Holy Week
praying through the center of our story
Junior year on Holy Saturday some friends and I decided to watch The Return of the King in the time between dinner and Easter Vigil at 11. We didn’t end up starting it right away and we needed to choose some scenes to skip in order to make it to the end with enough time to get ready for Mass. But we did it and it was beautiful. And as I stood outside in the dark, waiting for our candles to be lit by the Easter fire I realized that my emotions had been put in exactly the right state to enter into the great drama of Salvation History that the Easter Vigil bears witness to. The epic victory of light over darkness, the heroism required of each of the players in order to get there, and the deep beauty of their journeys helped me to see the same reality played out in history and in my heart with new eyes.
Below you'll find an edit of a sort of digital retreat I created during the Holy Week of 2020. It was a collective of ideas for ways to pray through and enter into Holy Week even when we were deprived of our normal Liturgical means. Hopefully now it can be ideas for how to supplement the normal rhythm of the Holy Week Liturgies and be a way of entering even more deeply and experientially into this center of our Story.
Our Story
Stories are a huge factor in my life in general but particularly in my prayer and they are especially skilled at moving whatever is going on in prayer from my head to my heart. That’s a crucial step because I’m a person, a body as well as a soul, a heart as well as a mind, and the more that the truth of who God is and how much He loves me penetrates every aspect of my being, the more I enter into a real and transforming relationship with Him.
Throughout the week, I’ll be pretty focused on The Lord of the Rings as a source of imagery for Holy Week. But feel free to use other stories as well. Another story that I’ve prayed with a LOT is Disney’s Tangled and I’m not ashamed. It’s spot on in the journey of every Christian to realize that their true identity (which has been hidden from them for most of their life by an insidious deceiver) is the beloved daughter of the King. Images from it have matched up with my prayer time and time again. But there’s one scene in particular, just before the floating lanterns, when Rapunzel’s mother and father are getting ready to go out and begin the tradition that symbolizes their hope for the return of their daughter who has been lost to them for eighteen years. The mother looks up at the father and sees his shoulders slumped and tears in his eyes, heartbroken that his daughter is gone, still doesn’t know who she is. I was watching it for the umpteenth time, with a sleeping baby in my arms, and I realized that his heartbroken face is the face of our Father, aching for us to know who we really are, for us to know how immensely we are loved. (I broke down crying. It was neither the first nor the last time that Tangled has made me cry.)
So this is my plan. Throughout the week I’m going to be offering ideas of how to spend time during Holy Week in entering into the Great Story of Redemption. A big piece of that will be imaginative contemplation as taught by St. Ignatius of Loyola. It’s a beautiful practice that has changed my life and that I’ll get into more tomorrow. So I’ll be sharing Scripture passages each day that will be conducive to that method of prayer and to the Story of the week. I’ll also be sharing ideas for how to make space for the Story of Salvation to happen in your heart - some practical ideas, some emotional ideas, certainly including watching The Lord of the Rings spread out over the course of the week. And, hopefully, some brief reflections on my experience with imaginative prayer and with stories to give you ideas of where to go. And in all the things, my hope is that you are able to enter into the Story of Redemption in a new way and that your renewed remembering will allow this Story to become yours.
Because a story that begins and ends with being loved so much that you are worth dying for is going to be a pretty epic story. And the more you live out the reality that this story of hope and redemption and impossibly heroic love, is your story - the freer and stronger and happier and more yourself you are going to be. And the more you will fall in love with the One who already loves you more than you can imagine. Because it’s a love story and you are the beloved.
Day by Day
Some brief reflections for each day of Holy Week
Notes on Ignatian Contemplation
FIRST OF ALL: Important Note: I am not qualified! I’m not a spiritual director. I’m not trying to claim any authority in any of this. I just want to share some of the things that have helped me and that is all.
I was first taught the actual rules for how to do Imaginative Contemplation about four and a half years ago and although I loved the concept, I struggled with the practice. Partly because, it can legit be hard. Partly because my imagination defaults to feelings and patterns over concrete specific details. And partly because the realm of daydreams and personal fantasy was very familiar to me and it was hard to trust that this form of prayer was anything different or that it was anything real.
I was called out in that, on several occasions actually, always to the effect of “but do you believe that God is stronger than your imagination?” Even so, I had to get over the block of “but can’t my sin keep Him out?” And this was when I discovered that the preparatory prayer is key. In it you ask God to bless and guide your meditation, giving Him permission to be the one in charge of it. You are still at work but you have given Him permission to guide. And from there you can trust that He will bring fruit from the time you give Him.
And it wasn’t just clear sailing from there for me or anything. I would have amazing prayer times and dry prayer times and super frustrating prayer times. But hands down, practicing this kind of prayer has changed my life. Sanctifying my imagination and allowing it to become a place where God can meet me has made it the place of some of my most profound and real encounters with Him. And it has also become an invaluable tool in sorting through and understanding what’s going on in my heart.
I’ve seen how overflowing with life and enthusiasm Jesus was as He emerged from the waters of His Baptism to begin His mission of healing the world. I’ve felt His endless patience with and compassion for me as we sat beside the waters of the pool of Soloam and we worked through my roadblocks to being healed. I’ve sat in the quiet of the mountains at night with Him and the only reason that I feel and cherish a devotion to the Holy Family is that I spent a whole series of meditations living life with them in which Mary taught me how to imitate her by letting me be her in the scene. And I could tell you about how warm and beautiful the sleeping baby Jesus was on my chest and how protected and loved I felt by Joseph standing beside me.
None of this is because I’m particularly good at praying or anything, it’s simply the vibrant life of the Gospels that opens up to you if you give it time and attention.
And it was also because of this kind of prayer that I’ve learned to default to images when I’m trying to understand anything in prayer. There was a long string of prayers in which I would “go into my heart” and it looked like a throneroom. The first time I came there it was dark and overgrown and I was chained to the throne in the middle. In that prayer Jesus came bursting into the room and a very Theoden-being-freed-from-Saruman scene took place. And it was a different prayer time several weeks later when those chains were finally cut loose, I invited Jesus to take the throne of my heart and the darkness began to transform - very like the ending of the enchantment in Beauty and the Beast. (I trust you see the pattern that I talked about yesterday). I returned to that image again and again. It was in the context of that image that I found and named a core wound which was the beginning of its healing. It looks very different now than it did then - which I attribute to how much healing I have experienced. But it remains “my inner room”, a place where I go to meet Jesus.
So I want to invite you to try this. There will be detailed instructions in my story, which I will also save to its own highlight on my profile so that it remains easy to find. But I especially want to invite you to:
Invite God to be in control of what happens
Allow yourself to be surprised by what happens